The Ratcatcher

The Ratcatcher

Product #PLA18301


Regular Price: $45.00

Special Price: $36.99

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Manufacturer: Platypus Industries

In the Kingdom of Brie, an irresistible magical cheese lures visitors from across the lands.

But unwittingly, it has also caught the attention of a horde of ravenous rats. Now the Kingdom is about to be overrun by rats.

You are the Ratcatcher! The only person in Brie capable of stopping the approaching plague and returning peace to the Kingdom. You must use your skills, bravery, and cunning to defeat the rat army. But beware! The rats are beginning to change. . .and it's not for the better. Hurry!

• Use a dice-based combat system to fight off the horde of automated Rats

• Use tactical placement, resources management, as well as unique character abilities to outwit the rats

• A randomly generated city creates a new experience every time you play

• Gather magic cheese and other resources to unlock the full potential of your character

• Face off against a terrible Nemesis Rat in a classic do-or-die end to the adventure.

6 Custom Wooden Character Tokens
6 Character Boards
10 Six-sided Dice
17 Plastic Special Tokens
1 Wooden Tallyman Cage
18 Custom Magic Cheese Tokens (Sparkly Plastic)
17 Trap & Action Tokens (Cardboard)
20 "?" Tokens (Cardboard)
4 Custom Wooden Nemesis Tokens
64 Custom Wooden Rat Tokens ("Ratples")
4 Nemesis Boards
12 Peculiar Rat Cards
12 Peculiar Rat Tokens (Cardboard)
24 Township Cards
2 Reference Cards
1 Tallyman Card
1 Gut Tracker Card
1 Rat Sack

Ages: 12+
Players: 1
Game Length: 30-45 minutes

• Action Points